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About Us

About Us

It all started the summer off 2015. I met Rosmery, (my wife), in a dating site call Christian Mingle. She is from Barranquilla, Colombia, the same city that (Shakira, the singer and Sophia Vergara, the actress), are from.

We fall in love, and began a long distance relationship. In our conversations, we made plans for me to go visit Colombia. For me, it was crucial what kind of water I was going to be drinking while there, so I asked her to start looking for my kind of water in her town, Barranquilla.

 Surprisingly, she couldn't find it anywhere. After interviewing everyone from store managers, and business owners directly, she got the same answers over and over again. I began researching, and discovered the sad reality of the water and plastic pollution in Colombia. I was heartbroken. I began digging further. Only to receive the same answers again, and again, and I was not happy about it. I couldn't just sit and do nothing. I wanted it to do something to help the people and the country.

At first, exporting the water from US was an option, but after research, the numbers didn't make sense. It was not cost effective. Rosmery, love her city, and her first choice was not to live in the US. At the time, I didn’t understand why, but now I know..... I love it too.

So, I packed my bags, and It was time to visit Barranquilla, Colombia, Rosmery, her family, and scout the city.

I made the trip. Thank God I did. Everything I heard, and all my research was wrong. All of it, from, Rosmery, her family, and the city friendly business policies that were in place, all of it, were 10 times better. Sadly, not the problem with the water and the plastic pollution.

 Seeing the potential for the business, and the opportunity to start a new life with Rosmery, doing the operation from Colombia was the best option so, I did. Hydrologik S. A. S. was borne.

The people love it, and for us, it was more than a business, it was our calling, and our mission.

I was exposed to the reality of the water contamination problem in Puerto Rico 33 years ago. My firstborn arrived, and as a father I had to do the right thing. I had a complete water system installed in my home. I liked it so much that I became a salesman for the company. Unfortunately, the water contamination problems have not got any better. The truth is, It got worse.

I came to Texas to visit my mom after a minor stroke. To my surprise, I discovered that the water and plastic pollution problem is even worse here in the USA than in Colombia. My friend, this is a serious matter. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, the reality is that our planet, marine life, and our health are paying the consequences. We have a worldwide epidemic that requires a global effort.

Today I ask you to join me to help you and your loved ones, our oceans, marine life, our planet, and generations to come.

Will you?

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