Our Why

Our Why

Our Why

At Hydrologik, our mission is to help people. Especially our brothers and sisters at churches worldwide. We have a burden in our hearts for those suffering from health conditions that, in many cases, it could-off have been avoided with just a little bit of knowledge and a different choice.

The scripture says, " My people are destroyed, for lack of knowledge. " Throughout the book of Proverbs, wisdom personalize itself pursuing us day and night, wanting our attention. My dear brethren, knowledge is crucial in helping us make better choices daily, specifically when it comes to our health. What kind of water enters our bodies, either through drinking or the way food is prepared, is super important. Our health depends on it.

The great scientists Louis Pasteur said:

“ We drink 90 percent of our illnesses. ” —Louis Pasteur

Dr. Pasteur made this statement over 100 years ago when water pollution was primarily viruses and bacteria. Unfortunately, today it could be all that plus chemicals and microplastics now added to an already critical problem.

I wonder, If Dr. Pasteur was alive, what will he say today?

My dear family for us at Hydrologik we believe that this journey is bigger than any financial gains or any political agenda. We all need to make a living is only fair. Right? But this is not our motivation. Our Why? is what move us to do this every day. It is deeper and more profound. It is what keeps us dreaming big and pushing forward every day.

Hydrologik is our gift, our calling, the good news, given to us to share it with the world, specifically the church.

As the scripture in 1st Peter 4:10 says: " As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace."

Our prayer is for everyone that visits this website to understand the healthier, money-saving, and environmentally friendly options presented here. That will enable us to be healthier, have better opportunities to accomplish our dreams, individual calling, and have a better quality of life while living behind a better world for generations to come.

Life is about giving back and be a blessing to someone. Our Why is the main reason some of the proceeds from the sales will be donated back to the local churches.

Thank you for your support!!!


Nelson Castro

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